
In the special economic zone «TURKISTAN», created in the center of the Turkestan region, 20 companies are implementing 23 projects totaling 408 billion tenges. To date, 115 billion tenge of them have been mastered. As a result, the number of people employed during the construction period exceeds 5,900 people, Kazinform reports concerning the regional communications service.

Among them are the airport, the Wedding Palace, a multidisciplinary hospital, a shopping and entertainment center, a hotel, residential buildings, sports complexes, a multifunctional tourist complex, and business centers.
To launch the potential of idle industrial sites in the region, 35 hectares of the former excavator plant in Kentau were included in the territory of the industrial zone of the special economic zone. Here, the management company of the special economic zone “TURKISTAN” implemented a joint project with the founders of the plant for the joint development of the territory based on the finished buildings “Brownfield”. Currently, work is underway to prepare documents. The total cost was 2.2 billion tenge. There are 2 projects at the stage of signing, the total cost of which amounted to 2.2 billion tenge and negotiations are underway with 6 projects for the amount of 15 billion tenge.
Recall that the special economic zone «TURKISTAN» was created in 2018 on the initiative of Elbasy – the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. The goal of the project is the accelerated development of the city of Turkestan, increasing the tourism potential and further formation as the spiritual capital of the Turkic world as a whole. The special economic zone «TURKISTAN» consists of 4 prom zones. The total area is 3014 hectares, of which 297 are historical and cultural centers, 1350 are administrative and business centers, 400 are industrial, and 967 are airport territories. To create favorable investment conditions for potential investors arriving in the TURKISTAN special economic zone, until 2043, exemption from customs tax, corporate income tax, land tax, property tax, value added tax, and provision of a land plot free of charge is provided.